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Dream 2 – Design My Own Home

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    Jamie Abels

Part 2 of 10 in My Dreams to Achieve Series.

Long before I decided to become a computer programmer, way back in elementary school and well into middle school, I wanted to be an architect. My 5th grade science project was on bridge designs and weight limits. My 6th grade biography report was on Frank Lloyd Wright and my 7th grade biography report was on Louis Sullivan.

The desire to become an architect probably stemmed from Star Trek and Legos in all honesty. Those ships were magnificent creations and I can still sit on the internet and pour over tech specifications for naval vessels, airplanes and fictional starships. In 8th grade this desire gave way to computers.

But even since changing direction in terms of career, I’ve always wanted to design my own home. The sense of accomplishment and ownership must be simply amazing for those who have done it. While I’ll work with an architect and other professionals, I want a large say in the layout of building. This home will hopefully be the place where my children grow up and where I grow old and retire.

I want a library, an office, a large family room and balconies. I want to be able to sit outside under the stars on the balcony and read with my family. I hope to be able to work from home at least part of the time and I’d need an office so that I can separate work from play.