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Dream 3 – Own Season Tickets for the Baltimore Orioles

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    Jamie Abels

Part 3 of 10 in My Dreams to Achieve Series.

Baseball wasn’t the first sport I ever played. But it has had the largest impact and will always be a part of my life. I played up through high school and even was an umpire for the little league. In college, I’ve played a season of slow pitch softball. I remember my first year of tee ball when I caught a ball with my head. I earned a blue star for that feat. I remember my first year of kid pitch when I got a fastball to the helmet. I remember never lifting the bat off my shoulder for the rest of the year. I loved stealing bases and playing up the middle.

But I’m no David Eckstein, but hell I wish I was. And if I was the only team I would ever play for would be the Baltimore Orioles. I’ve bled orange and black from the day I was introduced to baseball. Cal Ripken, Jr., the Ironman, is the player I most admire. He worked hard every day. Even when hurt, which didn’t happen very often. He perfected his defense. He was a big guy but he was always in position to make a play. He was so good he sometimes told pitchers what pitch to throw.

The last time the Orioles won the World Series was 1983 just over a year before I was born. I want to be there the next time they win it. But I want to be able to sit in the stands and watch the entire season. So it is one of my dreams to own season tickets. I’m not sure how long it will take me to get there. But I know it will be worth it.