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Star Wars Fate Campaign Recap 4
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- Jamie Abels
At the conclusion of last session, the GM awarded us all a skill point. It took a while to decide but eventually I settled on picking up Empathy at +1. I wasn't super confident in this choice, but as a Jedi, it seemed appropriate. Being able to sense things about people should be useful. This was not the case, but that's for later.
This session, we conclude the first story arc of the Star War campaign. The session opens with the remaining crew assembled in a small base in a canyon.1 Tarth Onasi, our rebel contact, has led us here after we freed him from the Imperial compound. We have a few challenges ahead of us:
- The U.S.S. Minnow needs a new coolant regulator to be space-worthy.2
- Our cargo, a couple dozen crates of proton torpedoes, are in Imperial hands
- There's a blockade of the planet with three star destroyers
We don't have much in the way of resources. There's four of us, Phae, Cal, Cole and Liv.3 Plus two NPCs, Ulaa and Tarth. There's the Minnow but it's out for the count. We stole a lambda-class shuttle last time and we still have access to a swoop. Phae has some money and Tarth has some contacts. Cole has a gun and I have a lightsaber. We know there's a custom XR-75 in the local Imperial hanger courtesy of our fallen companion. Cal believes that we can scrap it and grab the regulator. It's not a perfect match but it'll get us out of dodge. Fortunately, our stock of proton torpedoes is also likely at that location. The blockade will be troublesome but if we can't even get our ship working, we won't have to worry about the blockade. So we ignore that part and focus on the hanger.
Tarth can get someone to pick up the "abandoned" shuttle and get it into the hanger. There's only four of us, and three of us are human. So we should be able to get in without issue. Once inside, we'll locate the torpedoes and the XR-75. There's likely another lambda in the hanger, so if we could steal it's IFF codes, that be a nice bonus to try and break through the imperial blockade. Off we go.
Once inside the compound, we leave Cal behind on the shuttle to run some interference. We manage to locate the XR-75. Phae confirms the regulator will prove a decent, but temporary, replacement for the Minnow. Then she and Cole clear out the security systems Aquila left behind. Moving on from the impound lot, we locate the torpedoes. Unfortunately, our attempts to persuade the guard to let us through fail.
Phae acts quickly and squeeze off a shot into the glass, but it's harmlessly absorbed and the alarms in the base go off. Cole breaks through the lock and Phae steps in and kills the guard. There's a bunch of crates we load onto a repulsor lift and then we have a bit of a debate.
The compound has two walls that intersect in the middle of compound dividing it into quarters. At this point, we're directly across from Cal and our shuttle. We've made plans for one of us to take the XR-75 and fly it out. But we could really use the IFF codes from the other shuttle. We can't afford to run all the way around, so we're going to blow open one of the walls. But we could set the charges in the middle and open up all four rooms at once. This could lead to bad things as we're not certain how many imperials are in the unexplored room. Eventually, we settle on just blowing the wall to the impound lot and then gauging what we need to do next.
Phae sets the charge and we back away. But there's not a lot of room to maneuver so the explosion messes with us a bit. Cole exchanges some gunfire with the two Imperials stationed in the impound lot while Phae sets up the next bomb. Originally, I was hoping to avoid breaking out the lightsaber again but we were in a bit of a crunch. So, Liv cut through another imperial. A few more show up and Liv cuts them down again. Phae opens up the wall again.
In the other room, Cal is powering up the shuttle for escape. He's been helpful (and harmful) throughout our time in the compound. Shut of some cameras, locked some doors but also triggered some alarms. Cole pushes the repulsor lift filled with proton torpedoes towards the waiting Cal. But he gets absolutely rocked. A series of blasters fire upon him as he's running and the blasts send him into a wall with a concussion. Cal manages to fire a few shots from the shuttle and opens the ramp for Cole who pushes the cargo on board and they head out to escape.
Just to make matters worse, two storm troopers arrive in the impound lot. These aren't the movie storm troopers that can't hit anything. These are guys that will make your day really, really bad. Liv has her glow stick of doom visible though and this is bad. Liv and Phae get onto the XR-75 and Phae pushes through to the cockpit to get it going. Liv deflects one of the shots from the trooper rifles, but the second one catches her pretty badly. In response, she force pushes one of them into the other and the ramp closes and the ship takes off.
We arrive at our makeshift base and strip the XR-75 for parts. Liv makes it very clear that they need to get off planet now. Two storm troopers have identified her lightsaber and that means the hunters will be coming soon. It takes a little to formulate a plan, but we decided to take the Minnow manned by Cal and Phae, the shuttle manned by Liv and Cole, and a pair of Z-95s manned by Ulaa and Tarth. The GM explains that the Z-95s are without astromechs, so they'll be slaved to the Minnow for hyperspace jump. We capture the Z-95s without much issue, destroy a few towers and the other Z-95s to prevent pursuit.
Once off-planet, we find a group of six fighters, two bombers and two interceptors. We need to destroy the bombers to make sure we have enough time to jump. This is incredibly stressful. We engage the group hoping to take out the bombers quickly, but the long range makes it easy for them to avoid. Have the fighters and the two interceptors go for the Minnow, while the rest of the fighters head for the shuttle. The bombers both gain locks on the larger craft. Ulaa in her amazingly skilled piloting for a teenager manages to destroy the bomber locked on the Minnow. With my newly minted Pilot skill, I shake the lock from the other bomber.
Cal, a tactical genius, sends Tarth after the other bomber while the Minnow and the shuttle attack the fighters and interceptors. We manage to take a few out but the remaining bomber regains a lock on the shuttle that I'm unable to shake. Ulaa misses the bomber but Tarth saves the days. A few rounds have passed and we can see a second squadron coming in fast with more bombers. And so we bang on the consoles and prep for the jump. The fighters get in a few parting shots but the Minnow and the slaved Z-95s make the jump. Which leaves the shuttle with the interceptors and the second squadron coming in.
At this point the shuttle's taken some hits though all of them have been absorbed by the shields. Cole manages to drop one of the remaining fighters. But then first interceptor strikes taking out the shuttle's highest shield stress. That sucks but it's not killer. And then the second interceptor fires hitting pretty hard also, but the shields absorb half the blow and the hull takes the rest. Fortunately, we're locked in at this point and Liv hits the button and we jump out of there.
It's a short jump. We check everything and then take a second longer jump. Tarth let's everything settle down and explains that he's got a new mission for us if we're willing to accept. He needs us to get to the Mon Calamari homeworld and help them join the Rebellion. End scene.
Another good session and a nice wrap for the first story arc. I'm surprised at how well the GM juggles the NPCs. Especially having them interact with the group a lot. I know I tend to struggle when I have more than one NPC in the scene engaged with the PCs. I think his ability to give the NPCs distinct voices helps a lot. I just always feel foolish when I try different voices. But maybe I'll give it a try in my next campaign.