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Hello 2016!


While I'm not a fan of celebrating on New Year's Eve, I am fond of turning the page onto a new year. The clean slate. The upcoming events. There's always a sense of wonder and excitement for me.

So here are my 2016 resolutions for all to see!

  1. Read one book every month.
  2. Watch one movie in a theater every week.
  3. Design a game as part of 1GAM.
  4. Continue progressing my workout routines.
  5. Continue podcasting at least bi-weekly.
  6. Improve the quality of blog posts and journal entries.

Most of these are incremental goals. Small steps that move what I have been doing forward. But that's what makes them great resolutions. They are improvements that will take effort and dedication but are wholly achievable.

Oh and I'm getting married this year!