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Let's Make Something 2022!


Let's Make Something 2022!

In 2021, I set out with some ambitious goals and I'm proud of the progress I made in achieving them. I didn't get as far as I hope with some of them but they were a roadmap for helping me be happy with my life and it worked.

Making Things

This is very much an extension of my desire to explore new hobbies last year. I did manage to dabble a bit with drawing and bought myself a new iPad Air with an Apple Pencil. But I definitely didn't make it a habit. This year, I want to focus on drawing as a skill that I need to be able to fully communicate my ideas to others. My current workspace is setup for work and computer gaming. I want to adjust it by adding some furniture to support my other hobbies: art, cosplay, and 3D printing.

Last year, I played around with Bevy and Rust as I tried to make a video game. This year, I'd want to make another attempt of taking one of my many ideas into a playable demo.

We're not currently planning on attending any cons in 2022, but we're thinking 2023 will see us go back. If so, I want to be prepared with a few cosplays. So this year, I'll want to have at least one costume designed with the build started.

Friends, Family, and Health

I made strides last year in eating better and getting out more. But I lost steam in the summer and struggled for a few months there. As I closed out 2021, I got back on track and I want to continue making progress. I didn't end up running that 5km but it's once again the goal this year.

I spent time hanging out with my friends virtually more than ever. Sharing in their lives on a weekly basis without the presence of a D&D campaign to center it. I miss D&D and want to get back in action, but I really enjoy just sitting around with my friends and talking.