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One-Page Campaign Guide to Apocalypse Soon

The Dessarin Valley is a lightly settled region of waystation towns, isolated homesteads, and wilderness. Trade caravans from across the North crisscross this valley on their way to and from the great ports of Neverwinter and Waterdeep. It is home to Goldenfields which provides most of the grains for the coastal cities.

Truths of the Dessarin Valley

  • This past winter was the harshest and longest in a century
  • An increase in banditry has been troubling the trade caravans and towns
  • A delegation of dignitaries headed to Waterdeep disappeared two tenday ago

The Heroes We Have

The heroes are in the employ of a mysterious figure that goes by the title, The Marshal. The Marshal recruited you in the past couple of years for your background, skills, and capabilities. Since joining you have successfully completed a handful of missions along the Sword Coast.

Your Patron and Base of Operations

Kaylessa Irkell is an agent of the Marshal who uses her inn, The Swinging Sword, as a way to gather information and provide safe haven for other agents. The Swinging Sword is a three story inn that is a well-known overnight stay in the valley.

You Begin in Red Larch

A well-positioned town along the Long Road, Red Larch sees many travelers stop on their way through the valley. It also has several quarries and outlying farms. You have recently arrived after being dispatched to meet with Kaylessa and investigate the disappearance of the delegation.

Your Character in the World

Characters begin at 3rd level. You can choose character options from any published material from Wizards of the Coast excluding Critical Role content.
You can use the "Customizing Your Origin" feature from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.

House Rules

Short rests. Short rests take 10 minutes (instead of 1 hour). A maximum of two short rests can be taken per long rest.

Hit dice. Hit dice are decoupled from short rests. They can be used during any 10 minute period when there are no threats.