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Episode 1 - Assemble - Notes

DM Notes

Dramatis Personae

Garrison Peck3AasimarFathomless WarlockFar Traveler
[Henrietta Lynn]3EladrinGlamour BardEntertainer
Megaera3AasimarVengeance PaladinMercenary
Sky3FairyGiant BarbarianAthlete
Virlen3FirbolgCelestial WarlockCloistered Scholar
Widget3KoboldArtillerist ArtificerArchaeologist
Yla3HumanDraconic SorcererFolk Hero

Strong Start


The Swinging Sword

Trasakh 29.

Kaylessa Irkell, female Illuskan Human, greying black hair, 5'10", 142 lbs, 43 y/o, smells like grease.
Lily Irkell, female Spring Eladrin, green hair, 5'8", 99 lbs, 468 y/o, smells like flowers.
Shay, 19 y/o, female Aasimar, 5'4", 137lbs, White skin, black hair, dark brown eyes.
Cherish, 9 y/o, female Tiefling.
Smolder, 10 y/o, female Fire Genasi.
Orilannen, 12 y/o, male Halfling.
Nylatharia, 75 y/o, female Spring Eladrin.

Meg, Hattie, Garrison and Yla have met Irkell family before.
Widget's caravan from Conyberry attack by Elk Tribe hunters.

Kaylessa explains that a delegation from Mirabar has gone missing in the Dessarin Valley. They were last seen leaving Beliard and heading South. The Marshal would like the group to investigate their disappearance, learn what news they were bringing to the valley, and rescue or recover the delegates and guard.

The party spends the night at [The Swinging Sword] planning to head to the market for supplies in the morning and then on to Beliard.

Red Larch Market

Tarsakh 30.

The party has breakfast, Widget grabs extra, and they head to the market. After some shopping, they begin to head out of town when a sinkhole opens up. The Irkell children who are tailing them fall into the collapse.


Three members of the town, Ilmeth Waelvur, Albaeri Mellikho, and Ulhro Luruth, attempt to dissuade the party from entering the sinkhole. They are unable to do so and the party rescues the Irkell children. Yla interviews Ulhro about why he was trying to stop anyone from going down. He explains that The Delvers will get angry if anyone disturbs them.

Tomb of Moving Stones

The party begins to explore the cavern. They find a long hallway where Sky discovers some sort of contraption hanging from the ceiling. The party re-routes and runs into a room with some giant rats.

Secrets and Clues

Fantastic Locations

The Swinging Sword
The Red Larch Market

Important NPCs


No rewards.


Initiative for combat with the giant rats was rolled.