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Episode 3 - Beliard and Beyond - Notes

DM Notes

Dramatis Personae

Garrison Peck3AasimarFathomless WarlockFar Traveler
[Henrietta Lyyn]3EladrinGlamour BardEntertainer
Megaera3AasimarVengeance PaladinMercenary
Sky3FairyGiant BarbarianAthlete
Virlen3FirbolgCelestial WarlockCloistered Scholar
Widget3KoboldArtillerist ArtificerArchaeologist
Yla3HumanDraconic SorcererFolk Hero

The Story So Far

After rescuing the Irkell children, the adventurers ventured forth into the subterranean caverns beneath Red Larch where they discovered a secret cult that interpreted the movements of boulders. Recently, a man by the name of Larrakh, has helped them interpret the stones' movements which led to the deaths of three unknown travelers.

After turning the cult over to the constable, the adventurers set out to Beliard where they wormed their way into the good graces of the townmaster and lawkeeper. They learned the membership of the delegation and the news they brought to the town.

Strong Start

Current Day: 2 Mirtul 1491 DR


Rumor Gathering at The Watchful Knight Inn

Senya, a server, informs the adventurers that a golden masked monk was watching the Mirabar Delegation closely. They left a few hours before the delegation and haven't been seen since. She confirmed the mask the monk was wearing is the same style as the one Widget took from Larrakh.

Eaan, a cattle-drover, informs the adventurers that a group of aerial knights wearing blue armor and riding giant vultures. They turned south in the same direction as the Mirabar Delegation.

Traveling to Summit Hall

Adventurers decide to sleep outside of town on the road to avoid repercussions from charming Halrud Ponden. Widget leaves Halrud a note.

Night is not interrupted.

3 Mirtul 1491 DR

The adventurers travel from Beliard to ambush site.
2 hexes x 4mi = 8mi / 15mi / day = 0.5 day

Discover scavengers circling about a mile or so off the road.

Ambush Site

Dead bodies scattered across the battlefield.

  • A dozen Mirabaran guards
  • A captain of the guards
  • A corpse of the knight to be interred at Summit Hall

Widget is able to discern that about 30 bugbears and humans were involved.

Not fresh corpses but only just a bit eaten by scavengers. Not due to recent snow melt.

Widget figures out that a lot of magic was thrown around and probably kept the scavengers away.

Yla investigated the cairns. Bugbears in black leather armor with a mysterious symbol. A human monk with the gargoyle gilded tin mask.

The party convinces Widget to store the corpse of the knight in her bag of holding.

The adventurers travel from the ambush site to the Dessarin River.
2 hexes x 4mi = 8mi / 15mi / day = 0.5 day

Large gouges in river bank

4 Mirtul 1491 DR

The adventurers debates going down the river or heading to Summit Hall.

The adventures travel further down the Dessarin River to Tremors.
1 hex x 4 mi = 4mi / 15mi / day = 0.25 day


Garrison Peck11

Round 1

  • Sky rages and swings her war hammer (14 vs 14 AC, hit, 9 bludgeoning)
  • Selene fires her short bow (12 vs 14 AC, miss)
  • Yla casts Scorching Ray targeting the ankheg (24 vs 14 AC, hit, 3 fire; 9 vs 14 AC, miss, 22 vs 14 AC, 11 fire)
  • Garrison casts Eldritch Blast against the ankheg (10 vs 14 AC, miss)
  • Ankheg bites Sky (20 vs 16 AC, hit, 14 slashing, 2 acid, grappled)
  • Ankheg acid sprays Garrison, Yla and Widget (Dex DC 13, 11 acid damage); Widget passes; Garrision and Yla fail
  • Hattie casts Bane on ankhegs (Cha DC 13); one succeeds, one fails
  • Virlen casts Hex on ankheg and casts Eldritch Blast at it (18 vs 14 AC, hit 5 force, 1 necrotic)
  • Widget activates her Eldritch Cannon and it force ballistas an ankheg (14 vs 14 AC, hit, 14 force damage)
  • Widget casts Acid Splash (4 vs Dex DC 13, 2 acid), it fails and dies.
  • Meg hits an ankheg with her warhammer (23 vs 14 AC, 4 bludgeoning)

Round 2

  • Sky recklessly swings her warhammer (23 vs 14 AC, 9 bludgeoning)
  • Selene fires her short bow (11 vs 14 AC, miss)
  • Yla casts Chromatic Orb (20 vs 14 AC, hit, 9 fire)
  • Garrison casts Eldritch Blast (13 vs 14 AC, miss)
  • Ankheg bites Meg (11 vs 19 AC, miss)
  • Hattie casts Vicious Mockery (14 vs Wis DC 13)
  • Virlen moves Hex to the remaining ankheg and casts Eldritch Blast (18 vs 14 AC, hit, 4 force, 4 necrotic)
  • Widget activates her Eldritch Cannon and it force ballistas an ankheg (22 vs 14 AC, 8 force), killing it

Widget harvests acid glands from the ankhegs.

The adventurers travel from the ankheg attack site to Rivergard Keep.
1 hex x 4 mi = 4mi / 15mi / day = 0.25 day

The adventurers debate following the Dessarin River or going to Summit Hall.

Garrison sights a keep on the opposite bank of the Dessarin River. With no way to cross the river, Garrison debates consulting his patron for assistance. Splint tips that Olhydra would like Garrison to go. Garrison notices a mysterious symbol painted onto the keep's walls.

The adventurers travel from Rivergard Keep to Summit Hall.
4 hexes x 4 mi = 16mi / 8mi / day = 2 days

7 Mirtul 1491 DR

Summit Hall

Summit Hall was built by the Knights of Samular, a paladin order dedicated to Tyr.

The adventurers recount their mission and past week of investigating.

Lady Ushien Stormbanner talks about the Haunted Keeps. She identifies that gargoyle mask as belonging to the monks of the Sacred Stone Monastery. She also notes that the aerial knights are protectors and taken up residence in a spire that is also one of the haunted keeps.

The adventurers spend the night at Summit Hall.

8 Mirtul 1491 DR

In the morning, the knights receive a distress call from Dellmon Ranch. Larmont Greenboot a shepard and friend of Yla's. An orc warband has been attacking homesteads in the area. Teresiel, one of the delegates, is present at Dellmon Ranch.

The party assembles and sets out for the homesteads. The knights will follow.

The adventurers travel from Summit Hall to Anderil Farm.
4 hexes x 4 mi = 16 mi / 15 mi / day = 1 day

9 Mirtul 1491

Anderil Farm

Yla and Virlen rescue Selwyn Anderil (male half-elf).

Selwyn relays that orcs attack not long ago.


  • Getting to know characters; having fun
  • Enjoying the no roll aspect
  • In-game character bonding; game pace is fast

Secrets and Clues

  • The delegation was ambushed by a group of bugbears and humans
  • A human monk with a golden plated gargoyle mask
  • The deceased bugbears bore the mysterious triangular symbol on their armor
  • The ambushers likely used boats to cross the river with the delegates
  • There's a keep on the Dessarin River's western bank just south of the Sumber Hills
  • The keep bears a mysterious X symbol
  • An orc warband has been spotted ransacking and pillaging homesteads to the east
  • Teresiel is at Dellmon Ranch where a bunch of the farmers and ranchers have gathered

Fantastic Locations

Rivergard Keep
Summit Hall

Important NPCs

Halrud Ponden
Lady Ushien Stormbanner
Larmont Greenboot




Party is about to attack a group of orcs.