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Episode 5 - Womford and Rivergard Keep

DM Notes

Dramatis Personae

Garrison Peck4AasimarFathomless WarlockFar Traveler
Sierra4FairyGiant BarbarianAthlete
Virlen4FirbolgCelestial WarlockCloistered Scholar
Widget4KoboldArtillerist ArtificerArchaeologist
Yla4HumanDraconic SorcererFolk Hero

The Story So Far

The adventurers have survived the siege of Dellmon Ranch by a warband of Iceshield orcs led by Vanifer and Halinaxus. Widget has previously escaped Halinaxus and Yla feels his blood burn within her. Teresiel handed an awakened tree seed over to Virlen before surrendering herself to Vanifer. Surviving three waves of Iceshield orcs charging Dellmon Ranch. There seem to be multiple groups trying to unlock the evil contained beneath the Sumber Hills.

Strong Start

Current Day: 10 Mirtul 1491 DR


Dellmon Ranch

The party long rests at the Ranch.

11 Mirtul 1491 DR

The party decides to head to Womford.

Before leaving, Perd Dellmon gives the party a Sack of Sacks.

10 hexes x 4 mi = 40 mi / 15 mi / day = 3 days

Reaver Ambush

The adventurers are ambushed by reavers and bandits.


Round 1

  • Bandit (R) swings his scimitar at Virlen (6 vs 14 AC, miss)
  • Bandit (B) swings his scimitar at Virlen (4 vs 14 AC, crit miss)
  • Bandit (G) fires his light crossbow at Widget (15 vs 14 AC, hit, 6 piercing)
  • Bandit (O) fires his light crossbow at Yla (13 vs 15 AC, miss)
  • Bandit (P) fires his light crossbow at Virlen (11 vs 14 AC, miss)
  • Sierra rages and charges Crushing Wave Reaver (R) (20 vs 14 AC, hit, 11 bludgeoning)
  • Virlen casts Darkness and moves
  • Yla stumbles out of the darkness and casts Scorching Ray at Bandit (P), Reaver (R), and Bandit (P) (17 vs 12 AC, hit, 6 fire; 15 vs 14 AC, hit, 2 fire; 13 vs 12 AC, hit, 3 fire)
  • Crushing Wave Reaver (R) swings her sharktoothed longsword at Sierra (5 vs 17 AC, crit miss)
  • Crushing Wave Reaver (B) throws her javelin at Yla (14 vs 15 AC, miss)
  • Widget shoots her light crossbow at a Bandit (P) (23 vs 12 AC, hit, 7 piercing), killing him
  • Selene moves and dodges
  • Crushing Wave Priest casts Hold Person on Yla (20 vs Wis DC , success)

Round 2

  • Bandit (R) swings his scimitar at Widget (12 vs 14 AC, miss)
  • Bandit (B) fires his light crossbow at Sierra (5 vs 17 AC, miss)
  • Bandit (O) fires his light crossbow at Sierra (12 vs 17 AC, miss)
  • Sierra bops Crushing Wave Reaver (R) on the head (17 vs 14 AC, hit, 11 bludgeoning), killing her
  • Virlen casts Eldritch Blast at Bandit (B) (6 vs 12, crit miss)
  • Yla casts a twin spelled Chromatic Orb at Bandit (B) and Bandit (O) (13 vs 12 AC, hit, 14 fire; 15 vs 12 AC, 19 fire), killing them, then runs into the darkness
  • Crushing Wave Reaver (B) swings his sharktoothed longsword at Virlen (23 vs 14 AC, hit, 11 slashing), Virlen makes his concentration saving throw (16 vs Con DC 10)
  • Widget creates her Eldritch Cannon and fires it at Crushing Wave Reaver (B) (20 vs 14 AC, hit, 6 force and moved 5 feet) and triggers an opportunity attack (13 vs 14 AC, miss)
  • Selene dodges
  • Crushing Wave Priest casts Magic Missile at Sierra (17 force)

Round 3

  • Bandit (R) fires his light crossbow at Virlen (19 vs 14 AC, hit, 7 piercing) disrupting his concentration (6 vs Con DC 10)
  • Bandit (O) fires his light crossbow at Sierra (9 vs 17 AC, miss)
  • Sierra recklessly swings her warhammer at Crushing Wave Priest (18 vs 13 AC, hit, 10 bludgeoning)
  • Virlen casts Guiding Bolt at Crushing Wave Reaver (B) (19 vs 13 AC, hit, 17 radiant)
  • Yla casts a twin spelled Chromatic Orb at Bandit (R) and Bandit (G) (21 vs 13 AC, hit, 11 fire; 17 vs 13 AC, hit, 13 fire), killing them
  • Crushing Wave Reaver (B) swings her sharktoothed longsword at Sierra (18 vs 17 AC, hit, 4 slashing)
  • Widget activates her Eldritch Cannon at Crushing Wave Reaver (B) (19 vs 13 AC, hit, 3 force) and fires her light crossbow (20 vs 13 AC, hit, 4 piercing)
  • Selene moves and dodges
  • Crushing Wave Priest casts Magic Missile at Widget (21 force)

Round 4

  • Sierra swings her warhammer at Crushing Wave Priest (14 vs 13 AC, hit, 13 bludgeoning)
  • Virlen casts Eldritch Blast at Crushing Wave Reaver (B) (12 vs 14 AC, miss)
  • Yla casts Fire Bolt at Crushing Wave Reaver (B) (19 vs 13 AC, hit, 2 fire)
  • Crushing Wave Reaver (B) swings her sharktoothed longsword at Sierra (8 vs 17 AC, miss)
  • Widget moves and shoots her light crossbow at Crushing Wave Priest (15 vs 13 AC, hit, 7 piercing) and her Eldritch Cannon (14 vs 13 AC, hit, 11 force), killing them
  • Selene dodges

Round 5

  • Sierra swings her warhammer at Crushing Wave Reaver (B) (19 vs 14 AC, hit, 9 bludgeoning)

The adventurers deduce that the bandits were simply hired thugs for the barnacle-encrusted people. Then they continue onto Womford.

14 Mirtul 1491


A book with Dwarven binding near the keelboats catches Virlen's eye. A water genasi and man with a crab claw for an arm. Sierra sneaks up on the man with a crab claw and ties his shoes together (21 vs DC 20). Shoalar introduces himself to Virlen. Shoalar lets them know the books are unlikely to sell so he wants to trade.

Shoalar offers to trade a book for Virlen's armor. Virlen declines.
Shoalar offers to trade two books for Virlen's armor and Yla's component pouch. Yla declines.
Shoalar offers to trade three books for Virlen's tent, Widget's miner's pick, and Sierra's light hammer. Virlen agrees.

Sierra chucks her hammer into the river. The crab-clawed man turns to go after the hammer but trips. Then dives into the water. Shoalar encourages the adventurers to move on quickly.

The adventurers cross the bridge over the Dessarin River.

Bargewright Inn

Yla chats with the half-elf barkeep of the Old Bargewright Inn.

  • The delegation came south from Beliard, it seems that they ran afoul a dragon interested in an elven delegation member, Teresiel
  • Shoalar and "Crablar" moved into Womford about nine months ago and have taken over trade passing through Womford
  • The dragon is associated with Vanifer a tiefling
  • Not only do they ply and barter up the river, they're associated with water magic, every item you trade is worth a lot to someone with water magic implying that their being scryed on
  • Vanifer has been seen consulting with a sect of druids in the Sumber Hills

Yla expresses her dismay about the water genasi having the three personal items and suggests that they need to die.

15 Mirtul 1491

Sierra buys a crossbow and Widget buys some bolts.

The adventurers swing by Womford to check to see if Shoalar is still there. He isn't.

Rivergard Keep

17 Mirtul 1491

There are vultures circling to the northwest.

Garrison Peck912

Round 0

  • Sierra swings her warhammer at Bandit (R) (17 vs 13 AC, hit, 10 bludgeoning)

Secrets and Clues

  • Shoalar had three Dwarven books that the party traded for
  • Shoalar and "Crablar" moved into Womford about nine months ago
  • Shoalar and/or "Crablar" have access to scry magic
  • Vanifer has been consulting with a sect of druids in the Sumber Hills

Fantastic Locations

Dellmon Ranch Womford The Old Bargewright Inn Rivergard Keep

Important NPCs

[Shoalar Quanderil]


  • Sack of Sacks (common)
