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Episode 3 - Approaching Dayton - Notes


Episode 3 - Approaching Dayton - Notes

DM Notes

Scene 7 - Bandit Camp

Having fought off a bandit scouting party, The Black Thorn Irregulars continue their trek to the bandit camp under the guidance of a captured elf.

The forest opens into a clearing where a few tents are setup. A dwarf is standing with his crossbow aimed at the party. He fires a bolt and lands square in the chest of the elf bandit. The elf crumples to the ground. The dwarf then aims his crossbow at Odanus.

"Leave now and nobody gets hurt."

Encounter - 611xp
Lonebeard begins firing on the closest target. The elf scouts flank Odanus. The human rabble split into groups of three and surround melee combatants.

When Lonebeard falls, the rabble will flee.

Lonebeard, Dwarf Bolter Elf Scout [x2] Human Rabble [x6]

In one of the tents are a pair of hostages tied up, Elodie, a female human and Travis, a male human. They were heading to Kacorothi from Dayton.

Scene 8 - Approaching Dayton

The next few (six) days of travel to reach Dayton are mostly uneventful. The party and the Ambassador stay in the best accommodations available in the small towns getting plenty of rest and decent meals.

Scene 9 - Someone Call AAA

Ambassador Queus looks impossibly perkier at breakfast. With a bright smile, she greets the party.

"Tonight we shall reach Dayton! Ambassador Smithe should help us arrange accommodations for our stay. I'll need a few days to deal with matters of the City."

The morning passes quickly with just a few travelers on the road. The trees are getting taller and even the lowest branches are well overhead. The canopy is growing thick overhead filtering about half of the sunlight and making it seem later than it is.

Roll percentage dice.

The hour is growing late and exhaustion is starting to set in after a full day of travel. In the distance you can see a dim glow at the end of the road.

Roll percentage dice.

The forest seems to be growing denser by the minute but the glow on the horizon is growing brighter. The road is getting busier as more and more trade caravans are passing by.

Roll percentage dice.

The glow has become as bright as sunlight and is clearly emanating from the center of the city. You slow to a stop as you reach the end of the line of caravans and people awaiting entry into the city. Ahead you can make out the faint outline of the palisade and gate.

Encounter - 375xp
An Asp assassin has been contracted to assassinate the Ambassador. She strikes at the ambassador first with a poisoned dagger. The archers provide covering fire. The assassin tries to escape immediately but if cornered will fight until bloodied at which point she'll try to flee again. If the assassin gets to a quarter health, she'll poison herself with a second dagger.

Asp Assassin
Human Archers [x2]
Alaina has been poisoned but is fighting it well. She falls prone on her first turn (roll a d20) and then unconscious on her second turn (roll a d20).

The archers flee if the assassin dies.

Treasure: Dwarven +1 Armor worn by the assassin.

Rules They can use a Heal skill check (DC 15) to grant her a saving throw with a +2 bonus. This just stabilizes her.

Alaina is unconscious for two days.

A few of the gate guards will arrive at the conclusion of the battle.

What happened here?
What business do you have in Dayton?
Everything checks out, we'll escort you through the gate. Is this your first time in Dayton?
Where would you like to go?

They can attempt to locate Ambassador Smithe (male Kacorothi human) at the Kacorothi Embassy or take Alaina to the Grey Pause Tavern and Inn where that meet Rini the local guild master.

Major Quest Reward - 600xp

When the Lights Go Out

Scene 1 - Wake Up Call

If Alaina is in the care of Ambassador Smithe, a messenger will send for the party after two days.

If Alaina is in the care of Rini, she will ask for the Irregulars to help her to Ambassador Smithe at the Kacorothi Embassy.

Alaina's Questions:

  1. Is everyone okay?
  2. Did you capture the attacker?
  3. Do you know who they are?

Scene 2 - Somebody Got a Light?

The Dawn Ray is stolen from City Hall a few minutes after the players meet with Ambassador Smithe.

Your conversation with the ambassadors comes to an abrupt halt as a utterly complete darkness overcomes your vision. A male voice pierces the darkness, surely one of your guards has a torch?

After 20 rounds (2 minutes), the thief (Flip) comes running past with an ever burning torch in one hand and the Dawn Ray in a Bag of Holding.

Shouting from the street can be heard just above the roar of a panicked crowd, Stop! Thief! A human of average height with a lightstone in one hand is running down the street chased by a contingent of well-armed guards with lanterns.

Slim is disguised as the guard captain.

Scene 3 - Rundown

Describe the glow coming from the south after the fourth success or third failure

Encounter - 1200xp
Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3 failures).
Primary Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Streetwise
Acrobatics (DC 15):

[Character] squeezes through the confused crowd and leads the party through.
[Character] runs up an overturned stand and leaps over a group of Daytonites huddled around a lantern.
[Character] dodges a cart attached to panicked horses.

A failed check indicates that you take a spill and lose one healing surge, in addition to counting as a failure for the challenge.
Athletics (DC 15): You run fast, scale a wall, leap a fence, or swim across a canal to gain an advantage in the chase.

[Character] leaps over a pair of crashed wagons.
[Character] uses a path clear of everybody and puts some extra effort in running.

A failed check indicates that you get banged up and lose one healing surge, in addition to counting as a failure for the challenge.

[Character] leaps onto a bench to get a boosted running jump but isn't able to stick the landing. Lose a healing surge.

Streetwise (DC 15):

After spending a few days in Dayton, [Character] has a good sense of the back alleys and leads the party down one to avoid the crowds.

Success: The party runs up to the Celebar Mansion.

Scene 4 - Entering the Celebar Mansion

Centuries ago during the transition from Fey control to Human control, some radical humans (eventually turning into the Asps) slaughtered the family here.

Elaron Celebar quieted the spirits and uses this mansion as a private arcane study.

Thinking it abandoned, the Asps setup shop in the mansion.

They were set to meet with the doppelgängers to exchange the Dawn Ray for money. The killing of the guard captain (Captain Russo) re-awakened the spirits here and they have killed all of the Asps except for the leader who is holed up in the tower, protected by the magical wards, Elaron Celebar setup.

Flip has made the exchange but the Asp leader won't let him leave until Slim arrives.

This mansion is the only well-lit place left in the city. Drawing close, there are no lamps nor lanterns, just thousands of fireflies. The mansion is set back from the road about 30 meters. Beautiful flowers, bushes and tall trees cover most of the space between the road and the house.

The mansion itself is a long building with a tower set behind it made up of wood. The fey craftsmanship is clearly evident in the way the wood seems to have been grown and molded into place. There isn't an ounce of paint to be found anywhere. Blue flowers sit in the windowsills. A set of rising steps lead up to a large dark wooden double door.

Surround the perimeter! I don't want anyone entering or leaving the building. A deep baritone voice yells. Turning to look, a contingent of city guards are arriving with lanterns. The captain is motioning for the guards to get to work.

The double doors are locked from the inside. Requires a Thievery check (DC 20) to unlock.

Scene 5 - Grand Hall

Walking through the double doors you enter a large open space. This was probably the grand hall at one point where the owners would meet their guests and start a tour of the house. A few dead trees stand in the center circling a short but large tree stump.

Read after the party has moved closer to the center of the room.

Looking around, the high ceiling disappears into the darkness above. There are ornate carvings of the fey bloodlines crossing swords with broader, heavily armored humanoids. There are couches and chairs scattered across the floor. The cloth upholstery is gone but the wooden frames remain.

Passive Perception check (DC 15) to hear the zombies rising to attack.

The zombies are recently dead members of the Asp assassins guild. Their tattoos are still visible on their wrists.

Encounter - 760xp
Zombie Rotters [x12]
Zombie [x6]

Guard 4 damage