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Episode 9 - Home, Part 2 - Notes


Episode 9 - Home, Part 2 - Notes

DM Notes

Scene 5 - Exploring the Ruins of Lavan

Lavan Key

1 - Dryad's tree
2 - Ahern Treehouse
3 - Hag (Shiyak's) treehouse
4 - Healing house
5 - Garrison
6 - Lira

Ahern will lead them to the healing house first then to Shiyak's treehouse.

Lavan 1 - Dryad's Tree

This tree is the largest in the area by far by any measure. It's likely stood for a millennia or so.

Encounter - 1000xp
Dryad - 300xp
Great Ape [x4] - 700xp

Lavan 2 - Lira's Treehouse

Lavan 3 - Hag Treehouse

Encounter - 600xp
Gnolls [x6] - 400xp

  • Teleportation circle

Lavan 4 - Healing House

Lavan 5 & 6 - Ruined Treehouses

This wreckage used to be a treehouse.

Lavan 3 - Shiyak's Treehouse

With the gnolls dead and the hag gone, the sounds of battle are replaced with the noises of nature. The chirping of birds breaking their long silence seems to restart all the activity of the forest. This small tree house was clearly used to train young fey warriors but the hag had retasked it to use as a laboratory.

Searching the treehouse you discover some more of the ingredients General Saeque used to wake Néshira from her poisoned sleep.

Additionally, you find a mostly-burned letter in ancient common.

are the experiments completed? Report back as soon as they are. -Roagrim, the Faithful

Lavan 2 - Lira's Treehouse

This home has scorch marks all over the place, though the floor is unstained, as if it were magically treated before being laid down. If you look hard enough you can see traces of ash that has mostly disappeared through the years. The glint of a small metal object appears in the corner of your eye on the floor near a small pile of green leaves.

A small silver locket that was a gift from Lira's father to her mother when Lira was born.

Lavan 1 - Dryad's Tree

General Saeque offers up a sword he received from Shiyak to Lira.
He is heading to Aithessi to talk with Elaron about re-establishing Lavan.
He also offers Lira an invitation to join his command should she ever finish her quest to avenge Shiyak.

Dryad offers a favor for saving her.
Gives a magical longbow to the party.

Lavan 6 - Garrison

Encounter - 760xp
Zombie Rotters [x20]

Harvest Day

It's only a couple days after leaving Lavan that the calendar turns to Harvest Day, the holy day of the Lord of the Sky. At one time it was shared with the Keeper. The sun shines all day and the sky is clear of any clouds. The forest still provides plenty of shade making the journey that day warm but pleasant.

That evening after setting up camp, Alaina explains she brought extra rations for the holy day. Shae offers up a small blessing of thanks for the food to her god and the feast begins in earnest.

Everyone wakes up the next morning still tired and not well-rested at all. It seems everyone had a fitful sleep.

Shae, you wake up with the remnants of a dream still fresh in your head. A silver dragon stands over the corpse of a beautiful gold dragon. Her scales are splattered with blood, you can only assume to be her own. The silver dragon breathes a gust of ice cold wind down upon the assailants, a dozen black cloaked figures. He follows up with a tail slap that shatters their frozen forms. The silver takes wing off into the horizon with a horrible, primal roar that echos through your ears as pain and rage. A slight movement of the gold's corpse draws your eyes back to it and you see a small silver dragon crawl out from beneath the corpse.

Simmah, waking up, a single image is burned into your mind, a stout dwarf wearing red full-plate armor stands on a balcony of a tower. Several bolts of lightning reach down from the heavens to strike his raised steel shield.

Varramael, you too wake up with a lasting scene. You're standing tall, whispering divine words of power. Unbreakable shackles appear and clasp around the wrists of several defeated, cloaked men. Lira with her shield arm pulls back the hood of one of the figures with her sword at his neck. His eyes glow a weird yellow and a forked tongue slips out between his lips.

Mist Gates

As you leave the shade of the forest, there's a thick cloud cover. In the horizon you can see a city

  • Rain picks up
  • Gates are closed
  • Guards are turning visitors away
  • Have a note from Pounce allowing Queus and her party entry into the city.

Grey Pause Inn

  • Pounce

Ithquenti Temples

Kacorothi Embassy