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Dorian "Fleche" Ignatius Kiskaddon

Status: On Hiatus
Gender: Male
High Concept: Master Duelist
Trouble: Don't Make Fun of My Sword!

Careful: +1
Clever: +2
Flashy: +3
Forceful: +0
Quick: +2
Sneaky: +1


  • Master Duelist: because I'm a Master Duelist, I get a +2 when Flashily attacking when engaged in one-on-one combat away from the group.
  • Murgleis: because I wield Mugleis, Sword of Mages, once per game session I can force an opponent to use a mild consequence instead of a 2-point stress box on a successful attack with Murgleis.
  • Precise throw: Create an Advantage (no free invoke) that takes a Good +3 roll to remove once per scene.


Fine garbs, fine wine, and fine combat... this is what Dorian lives for. Quick on his feet and even quicker with his tongue, his is not one to dwell on the effect his words may have on his foes, and sometimes his friends. However ambivalent he may come off, he is very dedicated to his team's cause and even more dedicated to freeing those useful to Zion's cause. Not one to favor the use of guns, Dorian always read of duelists and wielders of rapiers, so quick they could even disarm their foes or find chinks in their defenses. Thus, Dorian dons a rapier fashioned after the mythical Murgleis. Dorian also carries various hand darts with him, strapped to his legs, if ranged combat is needed.