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Treskri - City - Pabdos


Pabdos (Water Wall)

The city of Pabdos is the first permanent settlement away from the Golden City of the Ithquenti. For millennia, the civilized races and the Ithquenti have been content to reside on an island in the southern hemisphere of Treskri. Twenty years ago, the Yoweth Svitrani of Aetheria was appointed to her position. She was tasked with increasing the influence of the Ithquenti by creating a foothold on the nearby continent of Aetheria. She gathered the support of three other distinguished individuals and they founded the city of Pabdos on the western shore of Aetheria. Pabdos has grown quickly as families and individuals move across the sea. Some come to stake claim to new lands, others for the sense of adventure that lies just outside the city walls, some because the gods have sent them, still others to escape the watchful eyes of the Ithquenti.

Popuplation - 4,779

Integrated (27% dwarf, 18% eladrin, 16% orc, 13% elf, 10% catfolk, 7% drow, 6% shifter, 3% lizardfolk)

1% Aristocrat (48) 8% Expert (383) 5% Warrior (239) 85% Commoner (4062) 1% Hero (47) 24 x 1st-level (12/7/4/1) 12 x 2nd-level (8/3/1/0) 6 x 3rd-level (3/1/1/1) 3 x 4th-level (1/1/1/0) 1 x 5th-level (0/0/1/0) 1 x 6th-level (0/0/0/1)

50% fighter (24)[11] 25% rogue (12)[11] 15% cleric (8)[6] 10% wizard (3)[2]

Power Centers

A military commander (NE, conventional) The Ithquenti Clergy (NG, magical) Adventurers (N, nonconventional) Aetheria University (NG, nonconventional)

Fey Arcanist (6th-level Wizard-type) leader of the fey races member of the cabinet, Secretary of the Interior NG

Ithquenti Oracle (5th-level Cleric-type) the Yoweth Svitrani of Aetheria leader of the Ithquenti clergy member of the cabinet, Secretary of Faith orc LG

Wicked Noble (4th-level Fighter-type) Governor, Secretary of the Defense NE dwarf

Disguised Female (4th-level Rogue-type) Thieves Guildmaster member of the cabinet, Secretary of Commerce N catfolk

Ithquenti Cleric (4th-level Cleric-type) NE

Warrior Resources (239 total)

149 city guardsmen (City Council) 40 enclave guardians (Fey Enclave) 19 guildsmen (Thieves Guild) 10 divine warriors (Ithquenti) 12 private duty 7 unemployed

City Guard

12 squads of 11 men, led by a sergeant (1st-level Fighter-type), 4 lieutenants (2nd level figher-type), guard captain (3rd level fighter-type)

3 shifts (3am-11am, 11am-7pm, 7pm-3am) 4 squads per shift 2 on patrol (4hrs) 1 on wall duty (2hrs) 1 in barracks (2hrs) Lt is shift leader

University Guardians

Enclave Captain (3rd Level Fighter-type) 2x Enclave Lieutenants (2nd-level Fighter-type) 37x 0-level Warriors

Holy Order

Templar (3rd Level Fighter-type) Squire (2nd-level Fighter-type) 8x apprentices

Adventurers Guild (Western Aetherian Guild of Exploration and Recovery)

Brute Leader (2nd-level Fighter-type) 18x Brutes

24 noble houses?
1 academy