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Treskri - Lord of the Sky


The Lord of the Sky


The Lord of the Sky is the leader of the Ithquenti and the god of progress. His primary domains are Civilization, the Moon and Skill. Since the Betrayal, he has gained dominion over Arcana, Life, Strength and Sun. His temples are featured prominently in cities large and small. Eladrin and Elves make up the majority of his worshipers but artisans of all sorts seek his blessing for their works.

  • Civilization tames the wild and protects the moral.
  • Fear not the darkness, for the light of the Moon will always shine.
  • Honors should be bestowed upon those who share their skill for the good of civilization.','','markdown'),

DM Notes

  • Real name is Caexorn (Silver Sword).
  • Father of Elaron, Ralune and Arahil Celebar.