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Episode 2 - The First Step is a Doozy


Episode 2 - The First Step is a Doozy

Episode Number: 102
Episode Date: 2012-01-22


Campaign Date: 2Y1179 Woari 28 - 2Y1179 Vaeri 5

The recently awakened heroes meet with Ambassador Alaina Queus, a half-elven diplomat, and her companion/guard, Lira, an eladrin warrior. The heroes agree to escort the Ambassador to her new post in Aithessi. The Ambassador agreed to provide horses and travel supplies as they make their way up the eastern coast of the peninsula.

The party's first stop is Dayton, the Sleepless City. On their way, they find a waylaid caravan being attacked by bandits. After repelling the attack (and having difficulty determining the assailants), Ambassador Queus implores the party to track down the nearby bandit camp and rescue any captives.