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Episode 3 - Approaching Dayton


Episode 3 - Approaching Dayton

Episode Number: 103
Episode Date: 2012-02-05


Campaign Date: 2Y1179 Vaeri 5 - 2Y1179 Vaeri 12

The party resumes their assault on the bandit camp where they meet and defeat Lonebeard, a dwarven bandit leader. They also manage to rescue Elodie and Travis, a pair of humans who were captured on their way to Kacorothi. While awaiting admittance into the city of Dayton, the party is ambushed by an assassin and Ambassador Queus is poisoned. After leaving Alaina in the care of Ambassador Smithe, the Kacorothi ambassador to Dayton, the party explored the city of Dayton.

Upon reaching city hall, they discovered the source of the constant light in Dayton to be the Dawn Ray, a magical rapier that emits light. They also recognized it as a blade that belonged to one of their WAGER companions from long ago, Kincaid. As they're leaving city hall, the light across the city goes out and minutes later a thief and a battalion of city guards begin the chase. The party and guards follow the thief into an abandoned (and supposedly haunted) eladrin mansion.

Captain Russo orders his guards to surround the building and asks for the heroes to assist in locating the thief inside the mansion. Seconds after crossing into the grand hall of the mansion, nearly twenty zombies begin their assault on the heroes.
